This week is our second to last week and we decided to make a google drawing of what our highlights were and low lights and something we learned.

We are a year 7 and 8 class at Pompallier Catholic School my teacher is Whaea Danni.
Today in class we had a times table game where we had 100 seconds to get as many questions right.
Its so annoying because the questions are easy its just hard to type press and enter then do the same thing again.
I got 45
This week I enjoyed doing the sewing task because it was really relaxing and we had music going at the same time.
20 October 2020 Federal Government 85 Cameron Street Whangarei
This week my class and I learnt about different types of media which is what I am posting to my blog. I liked this activity because I got to express my self on all the different times of media that I know.
This week I enjoyed doing athletics every day of the week. I love the fitness.
This school holiday I had truck loads of fun but I only went to 2 places which was the shop my Dad owns and I also went to Auckland.
This week we have been doing more learning about Suzanne Aubert today we made a frayer model and we had to post it to our blog. It was a fun task because we all had more facts about it.
Weekly Reflection
This week we looked at video that had really important messages I chose which is a video just telling us how we are treating our earth like it is nothing. It is really touching I hope you enjoy my work.
Blake and I tried to do a partner challenge it was funny and challenging we had to use the 4 Cs Collaboration, communication critical thinking and creativity. What we used the most was communication I had a fun time