
Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Weekly Reflection

This week I enjoyed doing athletics every day of the week. I love fitness.

 A success I had was Qualifying for athletics zones. 

 Something I found challenging is trying to get first in every event in athletics qualifiers.

 This week I learnt about the different names of different parts of the marae.

 Something I am looking forward to next week is going back to athletics training at school.

 I have shown Aroha by always getting my friends to laugh by telling them jokes etc.


A letter to Paretene te Manu


20 October 2020 Federal Government 85 Cameron Street Whangarei

 Dear Te Tai Tokerau Land Court,

 I am the nephew of Paretene Te Manu and I am writing to you today to tell you about the issue that has come across me and my family. This is not really fair. He is an old man. He can not really move so why force him to there is no reason. Also he will have to adapt to everything new like new diseases and infections. The land is spiritual. What are you going to turn it into a city? What's the point in that? Did you know that the land does not belong to you? it belongs to Paretene te Manu. So please let us keep our land, you do not really need it anyway. You have lots of places where you can build but you choose my uncles why. So please let us keep Little Barrier Island.

 Yours Faithfully The Nephew of Paretene te Manu

The past 3 weeks we have been reading a story about a person called Paretene te Manu who lives on a island called Little Barrier Island. The crown is trying to take it from him, But we acting as the newphew I have to write a letter to the Te Tai Tokerau Land Court telling them why not to claim the island.
So up there is my letter so I hope you like it.

Monday, 19 October 2020

Media slide deck


This week my class and I learnt about different types of media which is what I am posting to my blog. I liked this activity because I got to express my self on all the different times of media that I know.
I think this task was very fun.

My weekly Reflection


This week I enjoyed doing athletics every day of the week. I love the fitness.

 A success I had was finishing my recount. It took me a little while to finish but I finished it.

 Something I found challenging was finishing my math knowledge check on time. It was a good challenge for me.

 This week I learnt about all the different kinds of art that existed.

 Something I am looking forward to next week is going back to athletics training at school. 

 I have shown Aroha by helping my friends lift their mood up by making them laugh by telling them jokes or other things.

Friday, 16 October 2020

The most fun packed time ever


This school holiday I had truck loads of fun but I only went to 2 places which was the shop my Dad owns and I also went to Auckland.

 I spent 12 days with my Dad at his shop. Those days I did nothing but play PS4. My schedule was get there at 7 in the morning then plug everything in then play till 8am then buy myself a pie, eat that and back to gaming. At 12:30 I have lunch and I finally get off at 1:30 and pack everything up then go home. I spent 7 hours in total on the PS4 every single day for 12 days.

 The last 2 days I spent in Auckland where I spent 6 hours on a bus to go there and to come back that was annoying, but when we got there I had to DM my cousin to tell him we got to SkyCity and he can go and see us. We went to one of the newest malls in the city there was so much gaming equipment. I felt so excited I wanted to buy it all or use it. I felt like I had too much sugar but really I was nowhere near as excited as I was the next day. The next day I woke up and I went shopping (what a surprise) . After that I tried to get into the gaming room inside of the sky tower itself turns out you need an invite. The real reason why I went to Auckland was to celebrate my cousin's 21st birthday that night I had so much fun with all the people there I was over whelmed. when I got back to SkyCity I was so tired. That next day my eyes felt like falling out and I got a serious headache because I came back to my hotel late that last night. But when I got home I took a long nap. 

That was my Recount of the school holidays.

The arts slide deck


For the past 2 days me and the rest of my class had to complete this task which is basically watch all the videos and then describe each subject on what it means to you.
This was a fun activity because I got to express my myself on what I feel about them.